Bradley Dorfan
Do you consider yourself a reasonable and rational person? And are you interested in current affairs or debates surrounding veganism, atheism, introversion, and/or lgbtq+? If you, like me, attempt to live your life through the lens of what is real and what is true, then I think you’ve found yourself in the right place.
Join Me
Are you a SILVA?
Join me, as I attempt to delve deeper into important issues (well, at least shit I consider important) and put into writing the thoughts that plague me regarding these matters.
As the title of this newsletter suggests, I’m just thinking out loud over here.
Yes, I may get a bit aggressive, a bit emotional, and a bit ranty at times. However, I will do my best to support my thoughts with properly-researched, verified facts, as well as link to sources I believe are credible, in order to get my point across in the most intelligent (and intelligible) way possible.
I can’t promise it’s going to be perfect. Fuck, I can almost guarantee it’s not. I mean, have you seen my Twitter account lately? It’s brutal.
But, I just hope that you can join me on this journey as I give you an inside scoop of the chaos that is my mind.
This is just the beginning, so expect a lot of fuck ups and some things not making a whole awful lot of sense as I struggle to put my thoughts to the (digital) page. That being said, however, I trust that you will pop me an email every now and again asking, “what the actual fuck, Brad?” when I go off on a tangent and say something monumentally stupid.
If I say something you think is wrong, please don’t unsubscribe and block me, for goodness sake! Nothing is achieved when you do this; I don’t get to hear your point of view. Rather, reach out to me and perhaps I end up seeing things your way.
Regardless, I will only ever send out an email when I think it’s absolutely necessary. I will never spam, and I like to keep your privates, well, um, private.
As much as it’d cause me significant pain and suffering, I suppose you may unsubscribe at any time.
About the Author
An attorney by formal training, but a writer at heart. Brad has dedicated his life to inspiring others, through his writing, to improve their lives. By encouraging them to confront the reality of their existence head-on, he hopes that they can finally break free of their destructive internal narratives; the stories and lies they’ve adopted as truth, keeping them trapped in mediocrity.
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Edenvale, Dowerglen, South Africa