Dear Misfits, Mavericks & Misanthropes
And to all those who value truth & justice over convenience & supporting the status quo simply because that's what we've been told, taught and brainwashed into believing since we were kids!
I refer to my audience as 'misfits, mavericks & misanthropes’ because, well, this is how I see myself… so I like to think I have some authority on the topic – to speak to like-minded individuals – to discuss subject-matter that appeals to people like me.
If you feel a little alone in the world – like you don't quite fit in as others so easily seem to – then this publication is for you.
For me, most of my life has been spent shaping myself into the person I believed would be most acceptable to others; thinking that being different from the crowd was somehow a negative thing.
However, I've come to realise that being different is actually a really good thing.
Round Pegs & Square Holes
So, you fit in like a square peg in a round hole... so what? This just means you aren't so quick to accept the status quo.
You're a maverick – an independent-thinker – willing to go against the grain to discover the truth. You're a misfit – looking for more out of life than the planned trajectory set for you by your friends, family and peers. You're a misanthrope – fucked-off by a society (seemingly) hell-bent on not only self-destruction, but also on taking everyone else down with it.
Thats the thing with misanthropes, I feel, who have gotten this bad rep for wanting to destroy the world.
Sure, one of the things us misanthropes may celebrate is a future devoid of the human race (as shocking as that may sound on a purely emotional level) but, ironically, this belief that the world would be better off without us in it is really just a response to how irresponsibly almost everyone else lives their lives.
We have become far too tolerant of a greedy, selfish culture that is far too happy in 'taking' and 'destroying', regardless of the long-term ramifications of holding such an attitude.
Misanthropes are highly empathetic people and are often keen to put their own selfish desires aside for the betterment of humankind, the animal kingdom, this planet and future generations.
However, misanthropes are also painfully aware of the fact that most people are not willing to do the same.
Misanthropes have faith in those individuals who care about themselves and others enough to make the necessary sacrifices in advancement of a better world, but they do not have faith in humanity (as a whole) to do whatever is necessary and right.
Oh, The Irony Of It All!
It’s ironic, because misanthropes are the ones who try do the most good (even though they are demonised as being evil people), while the general public thinks it does good for the love of humanity, whereas, the truth is, everyone just takes and destroys in pursuit of their own selfish greed.
And this is why misanthropes hate the human race... because the human race is (at its core) sick and twisted and evil (while claiming to be the exact opposite).
Misanthropes hate the human race precisely because most people are so pathetically hypocritical – content to waste away their days in blind, delusional ignorance, cognitive dissonance and resentment towards anything that might threaten their comfort-zones… comfort zones built upon childhood indoctrination and societal propaganda.
Humanity doesn't really care about what is moral and right and true... it only cares about getting exactly what it wants – right here, right now – in spite of what is moral and right and true.
No wonder misanthropes (justifiably) believe that the world would be better off without humans in it.
This doesn't make us bad people – nor does it mean we wish to take the course of action most likely to lead to our species' extinction.
We’re Just Frustrated, Is All
Ultimately, we are just frustrated that we fall into a minority of individuals who seem to be doing all the hard work and making all the sacrifices.
We are frustrated at the majority who not only couldn't give a single flying fuck re: the consequences of their actions, but also have the audacity to point towards us as being selfish and evil for hating everything they stand for and do!
We are frustrated at the painful irony of it all!
I hope this gives you a better understanding of my material and the reference to my audience being 'misfits, mavericks & misanthropes' in my articles.
This should not be seen as a negative, but rather traits to be embraced.
Because, who wants to get lost in a crowd of losers, zombies and slaves to the status quo?
Wouldn’t you rather be someone who fights against these established norms in furtherance of a better world; in advancement of becoming a better person?
I know I do! And I'm glad to be fighting 'the good fight' along with you.
Illegitimi non carborundum!
Fuck living in a world that hates itself so much that it is willing to set it all on fire, while simultaneously claiming that we are the one's wishing to see everything go up in smoke.
I'd laugh if it wasn't so fucking sad.
As always, and until next time, take it easy.